
Welcome to computer42


computer42 is a private internet project from the time the internet was called usenet.

It was founded 1994 in Kiel (Germany, Baltic Sea). Since this time it runs under linux and provides uucp connectivity.
Nowadays it is located in Sinzig (Germany, Rhine-Area)

42 The name computer42 was chosen after the great novel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" from Douglas Adams.
For more information see wikipedia [EN] and [DE].


Open Source Logo computer42 is build on a software stack consisting of open source software. We also want give back code to the community.
In the past we have published some code in the usenet. For newer projects have a look here.

Home Pages

H.-Dirk Schmitt H.-Dirk Schmitt

Our collaboration services

mailman We provide some mailing lists
jabber Jabber Instant Messaging (web client)
Chatroom Logs
bugzilla issue management (bugzilla)
photo gallery Our public photo library
vinyl-stack Our private music archive
book shelf Our private library
movie clapperboard Our private film archive
photo gallery Our private c42-radio

Donations of resources

ntp-pool We donate resources to the ntp pool project.
sks We provide two synchronising PGP keyservers: This servers taking part in

ssl icon For https access, please import the CA certificate from computer42.


H.-Dirk Schmitt, Schillerstr. 42, D-53489 Sinzig

All rights reserved.
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